Chattahoochee River Rapid, 20 Rock – GoPro HERO3+


kayaking the 20 rock rapid on the chattahoochee river. georgia.

Chattahoochee River Rapid, 20 Rock – GoPro HERO3+

This video is of the rapid on the Hooch above the HWY 20 Bridge…. aka “20 Rock.” Filmed with a GoPro HERO – Aside from a handful of shoals where you have to navigate through narrow passes, this is the only real whitewater obstacle between Buford Dam and Settles Bridge. This is a Class 2/3 rapid (depending on the water flow). It isn’t extreme by any stretch, but it’s dumped plenty of paddlers over the years. So take caution on this rapid, secure your gear and wear a life jacket. In this video, I almost rolled as the nose of my boat caught a cross current. At the end of the video, someone rolls over in the same area where I almost did. See the image in the video… I’ve marked the best path through the rapid. Once you commit to the rapid you have to pick your line and go for it… focus on keeping your boat in line with the direction you want to go. IF you get sideways in this narrow straight of water you’re most likely going to go swimming! Remember your dry bag!