The Dawson Forest – A Great Adventure Destination

Georgia Kayak Fishing Dawson Forest Adventure 2022 Etowah River

Dawson Forest Camping, Kayaking and Fishing Adventure

On this trip we kayak, camp and fish the Etowah River in the Dawson Forest. We launched at the Etowah River Park, just south of Dawsonville. Or designated takeout was Kelly Bridge, on the west side of the Dawson Forest. 

This trip was a bit of a challenge due to the weather and water conditions. It rained for most of the weekend. Most of us hammock camped on Saturday Night with the exception of a few. It’s August, 2022, and the weather patterns that we are dealing with is of the late summer pop-up thunderstorm variety. 

Kayak Camping the Etowah River in Dawson Forest

Despite the rain, we were able to get a fire going at camp. This brightened the mood and definitely made the trip more enjoyable. To get the fire going, we needed some aftermarket fire starter to dry out some wood. It worked!

The river was higher than it typically is with all of the rain. And the water was very muddy. In fishing terms, you could say the Etowah River was “blown out.” However on a good day, the fishing can be quite good. Bass, striper, and panfish are the species of fish that one would expect the find in this stretch of the Etowah. 

Kayak Fishing the Etowah River

Because the Dawson Forest is such a remote area, be very careful when venturing into the forest. Cell service is spotty and any assistance is hours away. Always wear a Lifejacket when kayaking the Etowah River. No exceptions. With the water being as muddy as it is, the visibility was maybe 2 inches. It’s impossible to tell if the depth is 6 inches, or 20 feet. Anything that get’s submerged, like a person, would be near impossible to located. Make an emergency plan. Pack a first aid kit, study a map before hand and be smart.